Monday, December 8, 2008

finished finally!! still waiting for fret dressing to be done..

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

both the body and neck are finished with clear coating and ready for polish..^_^..
a big chip in the peg hole....-_-....I will be more careful with drilling next time...

Friday, October 31, 2008

Sprayed the back(black) and start clear coating it today....

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Got the body stained today......

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

shaping the neck back contour..

今日用了4個小時完成了初步的contour shaping.....用了一隻有很大"齒"的file磨,進度行快,但留低了不少"tooth mark"......要用沙紙慢慢磨走佢....

Monday, September 22, 2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008

next project? Basara signature guitar...

好多年前睇Macross 7 已經覺得Basara 支結他好型,好科幻feel,如果有這支結他真係可以滿足我對科幻動畫及結他的興趣...haha..
昨日draft 了幅圖,愈諗就愈覺得可以整到的,最大問題都係volume knob下面的兩塊翼會突出來收唔入結他袋,但係諗下諗下發覺可以將佢整成removable,第一隻翼做5-way switch control 向上向下擺.....個bridge 可以用steinberger syle 的 bridge 加個string adaptor 係頭,再加多個cover,咁就可以做到有頭無machine head..
fingerboard 當然還會加上LED dot maker...


Friday, September 12, 2008

dot and side inlay....

Finished the side and front dot inlay recently, Ive put some brass tubing around the abalone dot to make it look more"high-end"......

Monday, August 25, 2008

radius 個fingerboard (12")
加side dot inlay (遲d補返d相)
在spring cavity兩邊加多條木(見圖一),令hum 入screw 位能夠伸得deep d
DIY 一個工具架(圖二),現在d tools 就手好多..

Friday, August 15, 2008


已經deepen 80% 的fret slot,shape了90%的外形,neck heel 已經可以連接body....講起fret slot 就真係煩,本身用fret slot saw去deepen d slot,但係發覺d slot jam 住把saw,跟本saw唔到,結果要先用router level down 個fingerboard 少少,然後再黎過,但係都唔掂...
無意中上Stewmac 個網睇,原來佢地出一把專門用來deepen and clean fret slot 的saw,立即買返黎試下,efficiency 大大提高...(唉,又要洗錢...)
下一步要做fingerboard radius and 上inlay....又係好煩yei....
已經route 了 neck pocket、pickup cavity、bridge cavity等等,不過現在發現humbucker 位要route 深d,但又驚bridge hum 0個位會穿(下面是spring cavity),但係又唔想用pickup ring,想direct mount....有無人有idea?

Fret Bender DIY ( base on Daniel's prototype)

多得老許Daniel提供的Fret bender prototype,小弟加以作出少許改良,變成左邊的DIY version!
效果十分理想,制作成本比起右邊的Stewmac Fret bender 平了幾十倍(原價要$6XXUSD,搶錢咁搶)..

Monday, July 21, 2008

fingerboard radius jig..

finish assembling the radius jig..

Sunday, July 20, 2008

better pic

did a lot of sanding these few days...

Sunday, May 4, 2008

round off the edges...

start working again...this time rounding off the edges....

...with this monster....
good tool=high efficiency

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Trem King arrived!!

The trem king is going to be the bridge for the wolfgang, cant wait to see it in action!!
P.S. depite it's design and suppose to be "produced" in U.S., the first thing i saw on the tone block is the "made in Korea" sticker....

Thursday, March 27, 2008

MOP with abalone block inlay

thinking of making the guitar look more 'custom shop' like, I bought a set of MOP with abalone block inlay, it looks kinda cheap , but I guess it would look much better with better texture once it is sanded with the fingerboard....

Monday, March 17, 2008

more progress on the neck..

headstock.....need a liitle bit more sanding...

one side of the neck is shaped.....

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Trem King - looks like a vintage bridge, works like a floyd

無意中上 睇到這隻bridge 介紹,一睇即刻迷上了,木來諗住支custom guitar 會裝floyd rose,現在唔洗諗一定要訂這隻bridge..
can move like a floyd but appear as a vintage bridge, without needing to route as much wood as a floyd,such a brilliant design...

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

routing truss rod channel

Basic setup.....
make sure the router bit align with the middle line...
first pass.....very smooth
a close up of the result..
finally fitted the truss rod in the channel, the heel needed extra effort to route a opening to adapt the spoke wheel...

coming up....attaching the fingerboard...

Sunday, March 2, 2008

control cavity and trimmed fingerboard

lots of sanding work....this is the outcome of rought sanding with #80 and #100

control cavity routing,用短route bit 過了幾次才做到想要幾深度, 用了較長時間route...

fingerboard timmed....

Saturday, March 1, 2008

roughly finished shaping....

今日用了四個小時,將個body修好邊,由於只有trimmer 加bearing 鑼刀,條鑼刀又唔夠長,所以要過幾次先修好個shape,又夠到成身木碎...
之後見還有時間,順手修好兩快quilted maple top 的邊,用jig saw cut 出黎,用 titebond II glue 落個body...