Worked on the fingerboard for a few hours today and get the upper part polished to a satin finish, the epoxy at the end is a bit thin, another layer will be applied on the bottom part...which means the painful sanding have to start
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
close-up of the fingerboard before sanding, it's glossy but not smooth at all...
Worked on the fingerboard for a few hours today and get the upper part polished to a satin finish, the epoxy at the end is a bit thin, another layer will be applied on the bottom part...which means the painful sanding have to start
Worked on the fingerboard for a few hours today and get the upper part polished to a satin finish, the epoxy at the end is a bit thin, another layer will be applied on the bottom part...which means the painful sanding have to start
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Fretless bass conversion + epoxy coating
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
relic trial of fender squier
Thursday, May 6, 2010
a recent mod job that needs to enlarge the neck pocket in order to fit a new neck, it's a pretty simple job but requires accurate measurement and placement of the template(thanks Franky for providing the template^_^).
By the way, I'm planning to start a relic project, hoping to achieve results that close to Nash guitars....
(photo coped from Nashguitar site)
Monday, March 8, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Pocket Pod in guitar pocket---ultimate guitar for practise
Line 6 的 Pocket Pod 已經出了一段時間,到近期先忽發奇想有這個idea...
之前有諗過將自己部Korg Px5d 放入支結他,因為自己很懶,心想如果成功放部機入結他,練結他時只需用headphone就搞掂,又可以line-in 部MP3 jam 歌,不過Korg 部機d control 實在太複雜,打消了念頭..
後來比我諗起line 6 部Pocket POd,剛剛Tom lee 又做緊特價,$699 有部,而且個size 又ok,於是買黎進行這個project...
一開始計劃的時候就想到一個很大的問題:電力。嘗試開著部機玩,4舊AAA 電(6V)用唔夠3個鐘就玩完,點算?如果要長時間練歌或出show,突然無電係好大問題,用乾電好唔環保,但用濕電0下0下都要用火牛........諗來諗去終於比我諗到用搖控車電池,咁arm 有一排5舊的電池,又係6V,有成5000mA,估計應該可以用成日!
今日route 了電池及Pod PCB 的cavity,下一部要上conductive paint 做shielding,install 多一個電力開關及bypass switch,等我可以有時bypass 個effect,淨係出clean signal 出amp..
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