Saturday, October 10, 2009

最近替一支classical guitar 做partial re-fret,本身的fret 在fret end 嚴重leveled down 了,要換過兩條新fret. 工序比想像中complicated,由於前後fret 的高度也不平均,要慢慢逐part 逐part 慢慢磨,就返前後fret 的高度,整完之後又發覺12格以上low -E 線的fret 有buzz,就順手level 埋12格以上 1,2線的fret top,總算修復了問題。

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Dyed tele body and oil finished with Tru-oil

Dyed with a mixture of cherry red and walnut brown.....the colour turned out to be quite reddish than I

However, the wood grain pop up when I applied the Tru-oil, which darkens the colour a bit more, making it more brownish.....good!

Glockenklang preamp installation

Thursday, August 6, 2009

OLP axis restoration

working on Keivn's OLP axis, the cracked part is carefully knocked off, leaving the lacquer surface intact, did a bit touch up along the cracked line ,then clamp it on both sides.
coming up next is the repair of the crack on the surface, plus re-polishing the top

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Lindy Fralin high output hum set....

Attention to all: I will be very busy in the rest of July and I should be able to resume repair and maintenance at the beginning of Augest, thanks for all of you who trust me and supported my work!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

原來開pickguard 先係最麻煩的項目,不過發現用router 係work gei,效果幾好,不過要事前setup 得好..

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

本來想賣jor 個 body,不過個stainless steel bridge 寄到黎,又好想按原定計劃去改支tele,最後都係決定開工...
Route 了bridge 的 pivot pole hole、back cavity,開埋個neck pocket...

Fender 52' telecaster 改頭做humbucker......

Saturday, April 4, 2009

New project...coming soon..

Bought a tele alder body with tubular quilted maple top, I'm going to assemble it with a USA ernie ball silhouette neck!!!